Assorted collection of links Being a PhD studentPhd Handbook [by Doctoral Board of Uppsala University (DN)]The Doctoral Board of Uppsala UniversityPhd Handbook [by Sweden’s United Student Unions (SFS)]Högskoleverkets doktorandhandbokPhD, piled higher and deeperDissertation Advice, by Olin ShiversUnemployment benefit (A-kassa)Preparing for your licentiatePreparing for your defenseTeknat CoursesCourses for EmployeesPhd Progression Matrix Rules, rights and lawsWorking and employment conditions for doctoral studentsDoctoral Studies at TekNatEmployment on Doctoral Studentship or ScholarshipGuidelines for Doctoral Studies at Uppsala universityGuidelines for doctoral education – Faculty of Science and TechnologyLagar och regler (Universitetskanslersämbetet)Rights for ProlongationGuidelines for Extending Employment and Study Periods for Doctoral Students holding Positions of TrustModel for educational evaluations at doctoral level – Faculty of Science and TechnologyAdmission and Grading Regulations for Doctoral Studies at Uppsala UniversityLocal Collective AgreementsSalary Ladder The UniversityStructure and Governance (UU)Structure and Governance (TekNat)Uppsala University: Mission, Goals and StrategiesWork EnvironmentMental Health ServicesHow does the State govern the University? UnionsNaturvetareförbundetSveriges akademikers centralorganisation (Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations), consisting of independent unionsSFS (Swedish National Union of Students) Doctoral Student CommitteeThe SULF Doctoral Candidate AssociationUppsala Studentkår (Uppsala Student Union)UTN ( Uppsala Teknat Student Union)Rindi (Gotlands Student Union) MiscellaneousVarious forms and templatesEffect of covid-19 on my (For nation membership, obsolete now)Kuratorskonventet Uppsala (For nation membership)Nations GuideStudent SportsUppsala International HubSFI (aka. Swedish courses at Uppsala kommun)Mecanat card for Phd Students and How to Fix SL Logo for Transportation