In this section we want to collect all the important information about planning/pursuing PhD studies at Uppsala University, as a list of questions (Q:) and answers (A:).
If you have a specific question and you couldn’t find an answer on it OR need help to figure something out (related to your studies), please don’t hesitate to contact any member of TNDR board. We will try to figure it out and update this section for you and other PhD students!
Please watch the presentation about Rights, Obligations and Representation as a PhD student from the course “Introduction to PhD studies” here.
Plenty of useful information about many topics can also be found in handbook for PhD students.
Q: What is TNDR and why it exists?
A: TNDR stands for ”Teknisk-Naturvetenskapliga doktorandrådet” translated to English “PhD student council of the faculty of Science and Technology” and is a PhD student organisation that represents all PhD students at the faculty of Science and Technology.
We are monitoring and pursuing any issues regarding the rights and concerns of the PhD students of the faculty, electing representatives which represents our PhD student’s interest in different boards of the faculty and the university and last but not least, we are organizing social events where you can meet and hang out with other PhD students.
Below one can see the figure, where is schematically illustrated the relation between a PhD student and various university boards, connected via the TNDR Council.

Q: How can I become a member of TNDR?
A: If you are admitted to PhD studies at TEKNAT you are automatically a member of TNDR and we will try to represent your interests!
Q: I would like to meet my representatives, how can I do it?
A: Most of the representatives meet during TNDR Council meetings, about once every second month. Time and place for such meetings is usually announced by email and posted on the website in the calendar and home sections. If the issue is urgent, you may also contact a board member or a representative directly via email.
Working conditions and working environment
Q: What salary can I expect throughout my PhD studies?
A: Information about the salary as a PhD student can be found here:
Q: What are my working conditions and do I have employee benefits?
A: All important information regarding the working conditions as a PhD student can be found here:
Q: How to report sick leave?
A: The procedure is explained in detail on the homepage of the university:
The most important steps are:
You report sickness absence through:
- logging in to Primula web (self-reporting)
or - phoning the Payroll Unit, phone 018-471 66 77 (workdays between 8-12)
or - sending an e-mail to
Q: What if I have serious issues with my supervisor(s)?
A: First of all, we hope you will never have such a problematic situation and need to act. If you feel unhappy you can first of all contact someone on the TNDR board for example, the chair and we can give you another opinion and advice. In the case there is no other option you have the right to change your supervisor: According to the Higher Education Ordinance, a doctoral student may change supervisor if so desired by the student. More information regarding the topic can be found here: and here in section 8:—faculty-of-science-and-technology#h-8Supervision
Q: I would like to reduce my work time to 80%, how can I do it?
A: Some departments apply a local agreement on flexible working hours. This means that employees have the option of selecting working hours within certain set parameters. Your HR administrator will provide you with more information.
Q: Where can I find information about change of subject, change of supervisor, templates for the individual study plan and further useful documents?
A: By following the link you can find useful forms, for example change of subject, a template for the individual study plan, form to change supervisors, application for extension due to parental leave and documents for the defence.
Health services
Q: Does the University has a health service provider and am I covered as a PhD student?
A: Yes, according to the statement on Medarbetportalen are all PhDs, with a minimum activity of 20%, covered. (“All accepted research students (doctoral students) regardless of funding arrangements with a current level of activity of at least 20%. The head of department/equivalent is responsible for ensuring that the doctoral student fullfills this criterion.”)
An overview of the different services offered by Previa can be found here:
Q: I would like to learn more about stress management. Is the University offering something?
A: Yes, the University offers stress management courses, through the occupational health service provider. There are applications deadlines and limited amount of spots. Besides, each employee can book two anonymous appointments per calendar year. You can find more information here:
Q: What kind of services are offered by the occupational health service provider?
A: You can find an overview of the services offered by the occupational health service provider by following this link:
Regulations and guidelines for PhD studies
Q: I am freshly enrolled as a PhD student, where can I get overview on PhD studies and what is important?
A: Most of the important information for new PhD students can be found here. There you can find information and further links about vacations, scholarships, sick leave, teaching, students unions and even about language course (swedish), given for free for PhD students.
Q: How many course credits do I need?
A: This depends on your Phd subject, which is between 40 and 120 credits, including at least 2 credits research ethics course, see following:
Q: Are the representative duties for TNDR included in the teaching duty with up to a maximum of 20% of my time?
A: No! Teaching can take up a maximum of 20% of your time or approximately 350 hours a year. On top of that you can decide to represent other PhDs on different boards and positions (administrative duties). These duties are not included in the time spent for teaching and you can therefore end up with more than 20% of your time spent on teaching and administrative duties.
Q: What is needed to graduate at the level of licentiate or PhD?
Licentiate degree: A checklist of expected things can be found at:
Additional to that information about the third cycle education at the university:—faculty-of-science-and-technology#h-Licentiateseminar
PhD: The following checklist contains all information:
Additional to that information about the third cycle education at the university:—faculty-of-science-and-technology#h-Doctoraldefence
Q: Do I need to teach?
A: “Individuals employed as a doctoral student shall primarily devote themselves to their studies. However, employed doctoral students may work to a limited extent with other educational tasks, research and administration in what is referred to as departmental duties. Before a doctoral degree has been awarded, however, duties of this kind may not comprise more than 20 percent of a full-time position (Chapter 5, § 2 of the HE Ordinance).”
The extend of teaching is agreed upon the supervisor and doctoral student in the individual study plan. More information can be found here:
Q: Where can I find information about the regulations regarding the 50% and 80% requirements? Furthermore, where can I find information about the regulations regarding the public defence?
A: If you are unsure about certain rules or regulations regarding the admission, the criteria for 50% or 80% requirements, the general study plan, regulations regarding change of degree, information about the examination committee and opponent or regulations regarding public defence and grading committee follow the link below:
In general, the criteria is determined in the individual study plan.
The final year and thesis production
Q: Where can I find information about my responsibilities close to the public defence?
A: The time before the public defence is turbulent and your responsibilities might be unclear. The domain of science and technology prepared a checklist to guide you through this period. The checklist explains when you should start your preparations and what you should do. Moreover, the responsibilities of you, your supervisor and your department are explained. Please follow the link:
Publish your thesis
Q: Where can I find useful information about the thesis production procedure?
The Uppsala University library offers useful information about the thesis publication procedure. They inform you about different steps necessary to print you thesis and the necessary preparations from your side. Moreover, they offer templates and support for the thesis production. Have a look at it before you start!
Follow the link to find the information from the University library:
Thesis support and templates:
Subject and faculty specific courses
Faculty specific courses
Q: Where can I find information about courses offered by the faculty?
A: You can find postgraduate courses offered by the faculty by following the link below. The list contains information about the courses, when they are offered, course curricula and contact persons.
Subject specific courses
Q: Where can I find information about subject specific courses?
A: You can find an overview of subject specific third cycle (PhD) courses if you follow the link below. The different departments are listed with the courses they offer and each course curriculum as well as contact person.
Further topics
Q: Where can I find additional information about trade unions and student unions?
A: Additional information about trade unions and student unions can be found in DN’s handbook for PhD students.
Q: Can I get students benefits, for example, for transportation?
A: You can apply for Mecanat card which verifies that you are a student, you need to inform them per semester for the SL logo to appear (needed for transportation discounts).
Q: What do I need to consider before I can claim unemployment benefits after my graduation?
A: Information about unemployment benefits and A-kassa can be found in DN’s handbook for PhD students.
Q: What is the meaning of certain abbreviations like ISP, FUAP, FUS and FUN?
A: For each PhD program, there is a professor appointed by the faculty board, who is responsible for the overall quality of the PhD program including PhD courses offered and dissertations produced as well as the development of the subject area in collaboration with other professors in the subject area (Forskarutbildningsansvarig professor FUAP). Chair of the group at each department is the Director of Research Education (Forskarutbildnings-studierektor FUS).
The graduate Educational Board (Forskarutbildningsnämnden FUN) has plenty of duties related to graduate education courses, monitor the work on individual study plans (ISP) and more duties that can be found by following the link: