One of the main purposes of the annual meeting is to elect people to TNDR’s board and all the representative positions that TNDR appoints.
In a an effort to increase the transparency of these elections and the interest among the PhD student corps, the TNDR board, on behalf of the election committee, is pleased to present a schematic summary of all positions that TNDR manages, including their main duties and, where applicable, their monetary or temporal compensation.
All positions are elected, and as such considered trustee positions.
If you are interested in any of the positions below you should get in touch with someone from the election committee or contact the current Chair / vice-chair
If you have any inquiries, send e-mail to any of the election committee members.
The board of TNDR consists of 7 positions, as per the current bylaws.
Number of meetings are per semester, unless otherwise stated. Compensation is per academic year.
Note that, the following are minimum number of compensation days. It is possible to get more compensation days.
Additional details about the compensation for the positions in faculty and university can be found here and here
TNDR board | No. of meetings | Main task | Main task | Compensation | ||
Chair | Ordförande | 3 plus 3 | Chair or Vice Chair | Plans, organizes and executes TNDR’s work. | 4000 SEK+ 30 days | |
Vice chair | Vice ordförande | 3 plus 3 | Chair or Vice Chair | Stand-in for the chair, helps other board members as needed. | 2000 SEK+ 10 days | |
Secretary | Sekreterare | 3 plus 3 | No | Write and maintain meeting minutes. | 2000 SEK+ 10 days | |
Treasurer | Kassör | 3 plus 3 | Understand Swedish | Manage the budget and TNDR’s bank account | 2000 SEK+ 5 days | |
Webmaster | Informationsansvarig | 3 plus 3 | No | Maintain and develop information infrastructure, both physical and virtual. | 2000 SEK+5 days | |
Social organizer | Socialt ansvarig | 3 plus 3 | No | Plan social activities and other communal events. | 2000 SEK +5 days each | |
Member | Ledamot | 3 plus 3 | No | Help Social Organizer | 2000 SEK +5 days |
And associated with the board, but not formally part of it, we have an accountant and an election committe, whose jobs are mostly confined to a short period prior to TNDR’s annual meeting(s).
Function | Swedish Requirements | Main task | Compensation | ||
Auditor | Revisor | Swedish reading-skills necessary | Check that the financial activity of the board is as formally stated. | 5 days | |
Chair Election committee | Valberedning TNDR | No | Find and nominate candidates for positions at TNDR’s board, as well as all representatives. | 5 days |
TNDR elects representatives to university-level body: the PhD student board, which is part of the student union (Uppsala studentkår).
Body | No. of positions | No. of meetings | Swedish Requirements | Extra-meeting duties | Compensation |
The doctoral board of Uppsala University / Doktorandnämnden | 2 regular, 2 subst. | 10 meetings/Year | At least one representative should understand Swedish | Some preparation required | 8 days |
At the TekNat faculty, TNDR has monopoly on PhD student representation and elects representatives to several committees besides the faculty board itself.
Number of meetings are per semester, unless otherwise stated. Compensation is per academic year, unless otherwise stated.
Details about compensation can be found in TEKNAT 2021/201 and UFV 2021/2081. The resolutions determine the minimum compensation. The prolongation is paid by the faculty and must be applied for before finishing the PhD studies. For further questions, see see details in the documents or ask the Chair of TNDR.
Additional details about the compensation for the positions in TekNat faculty can be found here.
Body | No. of positions | No. of meetings | Swedish Requirements | Extra-meeting duties | Compensation |
The faculty board / Fakultetsnämnden (FN) | 1 regular | 3 | Strictly Swedish | Extensive preparation required | 20 days |
Graduate educational board / Forskarutbildningsnämnden (FUN) | 2 regular | 3-4 | Understand Swedish | Some preparation required, correspondence | 15 days |
The recruitment committee / Anställningsberedningen | 2 regular | Every Thursday | Strictly Swedish and English | Extensive preparation required | 75/38 days, (30/15% employment**) |
Faculty scholarships committee / Fakultetens stipendienämnd | 1 regular | 1 | Understand Swedish | Little to no preparation | None*** |
International Science Programme (ISP) | 1 regular | 1 | Not required | Some preparation required | 1 day |
The Docentship Committee / Docenturnämnden | 1 regular, 1 Deputy | 3 | Understanding Swedish necessary | Some preparation required | 5 days |
The equal opportunities committee / Fakultetens jämställdhetsutskott | 1 regular | 3 per semester | Understanding Swedish | 7 days | |
Board for appointment of distinguished university teachers / Nämnden för antagning av excellenta lärare | 1 regular, 1 deputy | Understand Swedish | 5 days | ||
TUR, the Council for Educational Development at the Faculty of Science and Technology | 1 regular | Understand Swedish | 5 days | ||
**The Recruitment committee regular position should be shared by two people, each receiving 15% employment. They should split attending meetings equally, and may never attend the same meeting together.
***The compensation length can be negotiated by the position-holder (keep track of amount of time spent, apply to the faculty board at the end of the year for compensation).
Moreover, TNDR elects representatives to a few other subcommitees associated with the faculty.
Advisory committee for Research /Forskningsberedningen | 2 regular | Yes | 15 days | ||
Advisory comittee for Education/ Utbildningsberedningen | 1 regular | Yes | 15 days | ||
Advisory comittee for Collaboration/ Samverkansberedningen | 1 regular | Yes | 7 days |
Additionally, TNDR also elect representatives to board of different centers
However, for center boards, you need to contact your local department for detailed compensation info.
Body | No. of positions | No. of meetings | Swedish Requirements | Extra-meeting duties | Compensation |
Centre for Discipline-based Education Research (MINT)/ Centrum för ämnesdidaktisk forskning | 1 regular | 2-3 per semester | Swedish | — | |
Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (CIM)/ Centrum för interdisciplinär matematik | 1 regular | 2-3 per semester | No | — | |
TANDEM Board | 2 regular | 3 | Swedish | — | |
UPPMAX Board | 1 regular | 2-3 per semester | No | — | |
Centre for image analysis (CBA) | 1 regular | – | No | — | |
Centre for Natural Hazards and Disaster Science | 1 regular | – | No | — | |
Centre for neuron scattering | 1 regular | – | No | — | |
Centre for photon science | 1 regular | – | No | — | |
The COMPEL (COMPetitiveness for the ELectrification of the transport system) platform | 1 regular | 2-4 per semester | Understand Swedish | — |
Last but not least, TNDR elects representatives for UTN (Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students).
Position | No. of positions | Meetings | Sewdish requirements | Duties | Compensation by TNDR |
Safety officer | 1 regular | — | No | Represent TEKNAT PhDs in work environment issues and work for a satisfactory work environment | None |
UTN council meeting representative | 1 regular2 deputies | 3 per semester | Yes (understand in written and verbal communication) | Attend the council meetings | 300SEK/meeting |
UTN election commmittee representative | 1 regular1 deputy | 1-3 per semester | Yes (understand in written and verbal communication) | Attend the election meetings | 300SEK/meeting |