Hey everyone,
Finally the student overalls have arrived (and they look dope)!
If you have ordered a student overall, you will now be able to pick it up tomorrow:
- Thursday 13th of April, 17:15-17:45
- location: BMC, SciLifeLab entrance (C11)
- You can also pick up overalls on your friends/colleagues behalf.

Just go to the front of BMC and enter through this entrance, we will be right there!
We will share more times to pick up your overall next week, but try to come if you have time as my schedule is limited as well and Valborg is close.
What if your overall size doesn’t fit?
- As soon as you come home, try it on: it will be slightly long in the arms and legs and rolling it up a bit is standard. Also consider that you will want to fit a pair of pants underneath the overall to keep warm. If it’s a bit baggy that is good, if it’s too small that might be more of a problem.
- If you would like to switch size, fill in your details in this excel sheet. Try to find someone else who wants to switch an overall with you using this sheet (e.g., contact each other by email/tlf. Whatever you like). So you have to keep an eye out on this sheet yourself, I cannot take responsibility to help everyone switch their overalls. If nobody can switch with you after 1-2 weeks I will get in touch if you can switch your overall with one of the excess overalls we have spare.
- This means that if you would like to switch your overall, DON’T WEAR IT AND GET IT DIRTY! It should look as good as new!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Best regards,
Steinar Mannsverk